Artist | Life Coach | Educator | Dancer | Creative Businessowner | Community Event Planner | Spiritual Practitioner

My beekeeping journey began August of 2022, a week after I moved to Oakland, CA. I've always adored bees and overtime developed a magical love for them over the last few years. I love the relationship I have with animals, especially bees. Their mind, intentionality, focuses, individuality and community heart. There is power in working collectively for a greater mission while also being your own "bee".
A part of me always wanted to care for bees, especially when a met a wonderful Spelman queer sibling who was the first beekeeper I've ever met. She would share her stories which opened my lens and heart to the reality of caring for nondomestic creatures.
It's been such a divine connection since hosting this hive. I've loved witnessing the personal and communal relationship we've been building. During this time, I've got to work with some pretty great beekeeper with much knowledge and individuality in their approach to building with their hive.
Thank you to Marcel & Leela , my amazing beekeeper buddies who blessed me with the opportunity to host this amazing hive. I've learned a great deal so far and excited to share this knowledge with you as I also learn.
Living in gratitude
We are equally as curious in learning about each other so we learn so much from each other. We get to learn how to show up honestly and manifest abundance collectively. The garden is filled with many new & interesting flowers and the honey tastes so floral and has the same taste as the honey I had as a kid (literally- it’s crazy sometimes). It’s a lovely manifestation of love.
It’s the everything for me. it’s getting to be playful, soft, protective, explorative and productive. I learn new ways of co-existing + creating. To truly see each other and not have any fear in each other’s vibration is a divine blessing. We are simply happy in each other’s presence which opens space for divine creation.
I knew I wanted a “pet” where I was not overly giving all the time and mad exhausted. Nor one where I couldn’t spend time + build trust and get work done. I know myself and knew I didn’t want to handle codependency with my nature of independence. And even though I grew up hyper independent, I’ve grown to really cherish real connection, real love, genuine acceptance, trust, non judgment + reciprocity. And knowing it’s a place for that kind of love. Even if it’s not easy bc it requires vulnerability, it’s worth it. So we choose to stay. A love that is neither codependent or hyper independent, but ebbs and flows like water.
So boom, spirit blessed me with this hive where we vibrationally match and don’t stop trying to understand each other. So communication can come as telepathy, dreams, attentiveness, ideas, cheek kisses, prioritizing time, ear whispers, silence, intense lovin emotion and laughter. We know when the other is not having a good day + when we are.
They teach me about relationships in such a satisfying way & it’s what I’ve been praying for. I get to see depths of God, them, myself, others and the kind of connection I would want with the life partner that’s meant for me. I learn more about authentic connections + with the work I’m meant -want to do. I teach them that not all humans are scary and careless. One was inside my sleeve the other day and did not sting me. They did not feel threatened and neither did I. When things are meant, you just know it