Artist | Life Coach | Educator | Dancer | Creative Businessowner | Community Event Planner | Spiritual Practitioner
Poetry & Writings
I fell in love with my first poem very young. As a kid. my favorite movie was Love Jones and I fell in love with of course the storyline and witness the romance of life and art through people, but I also loved hearing and seeing world through colors, words and imagery. I enjoyed the process of envisioning a story of emotion through poetry, jazz, photography and the journey of love we use to heal; to process and commune in life's ups and downs. I couldn't discover the language of what I knew, but somehow, I understood the remembering of love, both universally and humanly that carried through space and time.
In 2013, I began writing poetry. In college, I took a course called ADW (African Diaspora & the World), which was mandatory for each student, and I had a wonderful professor who was also a poet. He was the one professor that held space for class dialogue and opened space for his students view the world through questions, debates, creative reflections and understanding conversation. He encouraged my poetry and made time to listen. He gave me feedback and encouraging words that reminded me that even though I am dyslexic (I didn't know at the time), my writing was worth reading. He inspired me to tap into my own poet's power and voice. This led to my first piece where I performed at a Spelman's Coming Out dialogue.
This was the first time I told my story aloud as a survivor. This was the moment that guided my path to hold space for other survivors and queer folk to share their own story. This inadvertently guided my first healing event, called Let it Glow where we used creative expression to tell our story and feel loved especially during the holiday season that didn't feel so safe for many of us. Student performers boldly, bravely and honestly shared their story, and I painted what I felt came from their emotions and words. The space felt like a living room and had pillows, couches, coco and hugs with glow jars around the space. This was freshman year, and my path was never the same. That same year, I met Sonia Sanchez and found new meaning of myself in her work. She was so kind, inspiring, real and gave everyone in the audience her number. She reminded me of the elders who inspired my journey and that opened a rabbit hole of towards my liberation.
I thank you all for being a guiding light in my life.
Asé and so it is to the Rudy Fransciscos, Strivers Rows, Maya Angelous, Nina Simones, Rupi Kars of the world,
Thank you writing for giving me an outlet to use this Aquarius mind of mine space to reflect, accept, process, feel, understanding and express. My throat sings with honesty, love, pain, laughter and affirmation.
Ritual, 2017
I can tell you a little about this place, this moment. But I feel like you should feel it for yourself.
Let's pay homage to the sistas that we call our ancestors, the beautiful black women who have paved the way for us to continue the legacy.
Let's sage the spirits of our grandmothers and light incense with sweet smells of our named mothers home. a home embraced by legacy. we tend to forget we are walking in a space that’s all too familiar.
a spiritual home that is available for regrowth, unfenced communication and an awareness of self-awakening. a
home that isn’t afraid to talk, to share, to hurt, to express where it hurts most and to heal through it.
my ancestors before me told me what it looked like. the thing we called ritual. the moment we scream ashe. light our candles and thank our great great mothers before the last.
the moment we smile, we feel, we embrace, we share stories, and we love each other. that is that moment we call a community. we sing, and we connect. we pray and we cry. that is
the beauty of the moment, that reoccurring moment we share in this ‘home’ of facing the beauty of reality and spirituality.
Hair, 2017
written in Mahogany L. Browne poetry class
When it comes to hair, I would say all women can relate. Whether you're Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Purple, Green and all the in between. We relate through texture, color, style, and technique.
For me, hair and identity has always been a struggle. Even though, all women can relate to the topic, no one person has the same type. Often in society, we associate shine, length, and texture to the idea of what "nice" hair should be. Visually, women's hair is compared to within race. If you're considered "mixed" then you must have "good hair" but, we tend to forget the women with 4B and 4C hair as if their kinkiness is something to be ashamed of.
In Solange's, don't touch my hair, I personally related to this video on a cultural level. Black hair is a part of black identity, for myself, my hair is a part of me. It's who I am as a black woman. The video expresses the means of hair in terms of texture.
Black hair has memories and stories that no other race can understand. When a black woman says, "don't touch my hair", that is said for a reason.
While black hair might seem like foreign to others, beneath each style there are personal hair stories that we experience whether we're thinking of childhood memories with our grandmother or as an adult using those very same hot combs used then. We experience scalp damage that for some is irreversible. When you consider the history of black hair, its complexity can become quite clear.
Black hair is so vital to personality, and we should take it into thought when asking a black person to touch their hair.
What does my thick, curly, frizzy hair actually look like?
Visually, black hair is thick
We all have these experiences no matter the race or gender.
Compare to Contrast, 2017
written in Mahogany L. Browne poetry class
Compare to Contrast
Compare to contrast the words of one who challenges the conceptions of
Let's compare the commonalities of religion and take a moment to forget. The meaning of spirituality and oneness with the higher power we call
The Code of Ethics. The forms of comprised African Customs
To say one's culture or religion is better than the other is complete
As we compare and contrast, let's not forget the subject of Sociology. The sociology of religion, the methods of discipline. The social structures of society
Sir Mohammad Shitta Bey, say unto the Christians, their God and our God is one. The reflection of the compare is one for the book. In its likeness, one is taken from the other. The concept of African spirituality and this notion of appropriation pour’s itself over.
To take as your own and diminish one's beliefs is a history of religion and the lossless in spirituality -- to understand for yourself.
The code of ethics
As we challenge the idea of religion and beliefs, one must ask the questions of the beyond, questions most afraid to ask as if you're going with or against your own faith. Question. This idea of religion is separated as if we tried to part the Red Sea. The difference in spirituality is realizing, all of these religions and spiritual beliefs within all culturalisms and systems are forms molded in likeness.
The difference of man and God
Sir Excellency, Greatness. Prophet in subject to human.
Moses. David. Solomon
David, man after. Gods right hand. God’s own heart.
Guilty of the greatest; ADULTERY. Human. Flesh.
As we emulate the lives of men like David, we look past the sins of men.
Human mistakes
Human temptation
But we ask, who can be like Jesus?
His perfection and grace speak for itself.
Imperfection and
Of human existence
It does not matter how we label ourselves; Christian, Buddhist and Islamic, Taoist, Bruja, Spiritualist
We are human with the space of discovery and questions
Man - title of Gods Prophet
Our imperfections and God's love keeps up striving, yet it is still based on the. our idea of GOD.
My god is as kind and forgiving as a grandma, accepting as a papa, playful as a child, nurturing as a mother, protective as a father, and emotional as a family. My god is powerful, discerning, miraculous, loving, integrative, abundant, growth hearted, creative, spunky, funny, compassionate, honest, patient merciful and surprising. and reflects that back to me through time, connection and space. it is within me. within you.
I ask you; do you carry these attributes in your godhood or seekiness to connect with god's energy? look in the mirror. it's you. it's me? it's our compassion, understanding and honesty. our care. these are human and goldy traits. so, what makes us different?
To compare and contrast the ideals behind religion is like deconstructing similar beliefs of racism, homophobia, shame, ageism, ableism, immigration, displacement and sexism. It derives from a place within Ethnocentrism, to believe one's culture superior over the other.
It's like embodying a role of one's suppressor without taking into account the meaning of similar plane field.
- The spiritual bind.
The flame, 2018
written in Mahogany L. Browne poetry class
The flame:
May the flame carry you in the darkness.
It is the light that sheds light on the very aspects we try to hide within ourselves and others.
The flame lights the sight, smell, spirit that energizes candles, and sage, incense.
The flame also keeps love alive share between spirits beings.
I send the flame to you on days when you feel as if darkness is crowding you. As the spirit of the flame lives though you... you channel the wisdom and energy of the flame.
I found GOD, 2018
The way I “found” God was not through Christianity, even though that was my childhood background.
In my experience, as a queer kid, the Black church was dangerous, contradicting, judgmental and damaging. This moved me away from God because that was my only reflection to it. As I moved towards my own personal journey and explorations of God that differs from my childhood norms, I understood the synergies of gospels, beliefs and commune. I forgave.
My spirituality is personal, yet it is mine and, is yours. My inner God understands its integration, and diversity because that is my relationship to it and myself.
Even though that is my experience, I would never tell a soul how they should identify with God. As long as we’re all moving towards greater enlightenment for ourselves that helps others, I’m happy with that. One way isn’t better than the other.
Choose a way that feels truest for you and honor that intuition God gave you to nurture and follow it.
Stick to what you LOVE, 2018
My friend said I was a hood sunflower and I think I’m going to take that compliment.
My ancestors said run me my money
I am very big on honoring traditions and highlighting the importance of conversations and symbolism as a healing practice. Personally, I believe that talking with one another is vital to our growth. In a sense, we are all here for teach and learn from one another.
I’m totally here for community building and empowerment so bringing all walks of life with different experiences and stories bring that together.
An amazing tradition and something that we organically do as humans is get our hair done. Within most communities of color, hair braiding opens the vulnerability for conversations.
You’re sharing moments of your life with folks you may or may not know. It’s opening up both your heart and mind which creates a balance.
Young sista, 2018
written in Mahogany L. Browne poetry class
Oh, young sista.
How much have you loved you today? A model. A confidant. A soothing essence. The kinky coils living in its truth, yet so afraid.
Tell me young thing, what does it mean to also live in joy? In love. Unafraid.
Is it the peace we’ve needed all along? You are adored kinky curly coils for accepting us way before we accepted ourselves in this place, I guess we call “home”.
You complement this world so well, as you continue to challenge what it means to live in it. The shades and depth of your love is what we need more of. The love of all loves, the patient of all patience. the love of kinky-curly-coils is forever embedded by our ancestors.
You are the stories of my grandmothers of grandmothers who cry of love before i was even born. i. Thank you for loving me before I knew the meaning.
You understood me..... when the world ignored my cries. My pain. My joy. My love now, it’s time to finally understand you. YOU ARE FINALLY UNDERSTOOD. So I as I live and love in my truth, WITHOUT the fear once within. I thank you, I thank so heavenly for loving me. We. Us. That’s unconditional
Self, 2019
Self care,
self-healing is so much more than just a hashtag, meditation and just taking some time for yourself which is also important. Self-Care and healing are a continued process of coming face to face with your biggest fears.
It’s loving every bit of yourself and being completely unapologetic. never stop even when it's not perfect.
Healing is deconstructing every negative thought, pattern, belief, separation and judgment that was placed by society.
It’s facing that trauma and working through it; it’s understanding your own toxic behavior and through it without judging self + others. It’s letting go of your ego and realizing that everything is going to work itself out. and affirming that every chance you get.
I am not an expert on this by any chance because it looks different for everyone but as a person who has been through a lot of traumas in one lifetime, processing, questioning and feeling it has helped me tremendously in more ways than i can count. And my way of thinking. so can you
Childhood 2019
One thing I think will always be interesting is looking at old pictures of yourself. Your childhood and this motorized shape of your adult life.
When looking at those old pictures that are often passed down by generations, you know the similarities. You understand when that one moment changed your entire life.
As a Black southern kid, for me, I tasted the subtle or forward pickup of racism. the formulated words between tongues, looks and gestures.
a broken arm. a slide. a push. a cast.
Did I really just get pushed off a slide by a white kid because I'm black? Is my arm really broken right now? This must be a damn joke.
The classrooms weren't just the classrooms, the playground was never just about the playground. It was so deeply rooted in our veins that it happened as first instinct. little Black girls, placed in a box. A confined space where we are not allowed to speak, to question, to move.
We speak with manners and dress in skirts without question. we make sure our hair is pressed and combed and pretty for the world to see like Easter Sunday. We gravitate to our dollies even when we want a telescope or a ball. it is about how we look, not what we want to be and how we feel. pressed hair and barrettes.
Unrecognized and silent.
little Black boys' masculinity challenged so early. a pat on the back. they just want to be a kid. Fragile. to cry is a power. to question is a gift. to make mistakes is human. add it all together and we get a kid wanting love rather than learning they are not enough.
Divine Grace, 2019
“The Divine influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation; and as an individual virtue or excellence of divine origin.”
Unfold all of you with Divine grace.
Your strength is the origin of your growth.
Awaken to it and love it unconditionally.
Inspire your impulses and resist the temptation to stay within your comfort zone. Trials are nothing more than seasons.
• Learn from them
• Thank them
• Set them free
Your wounds and fears are being rewritten into the most beautiful narrative from within.
You are everything and more.
In your wholeness.
Without fear.
Then leave space others to do the same
a new chapter
My first time leaving the states and living aboard.
a family business, 2020
Pai, Thailand
Meet these truly magical women, Elder Sonepan, Bua Bua (blue shirt) and Yoona (hat)
I sat with them for some time and learned a bit about their beautiful tradition. I learned of their family business along with many other components. They make birthday prayer necklaces that’s made out of rice, string and coins.
Each color represents your birthday.
Elder Sonepan taught Bua Bua and Yoona, then continued to pass it down through their matriarchal lineage.
Learning from them brought me to tears.
I deeply honor the inspirational women and divine feminine energies who authentically share themselves with me.
Community is everywhere. In each of us. burning to be felt.
This is a photo project about community.
How can it be built, nourished and empowered?
As each person shares their soul with me, I learn to understand and feel.
Feeling a sense of community is very important for growth.
with consent, their stories are shared with you
alice & her wonders, 2020
I still wander with wonders. I guess the wondering leads me to wander further, but with direction. And even if the direction changes, the purpose stays the same.
I once loved Alice and Wonderland and the process of “the rabbit hole”. as if it takes us further into ourselves to discover more than what we realize or even internalize. The “riddles” are messages that can take us beyond what we see with our two eyes and shine light on falsehood. It opens space for personal truths, actualizations, acceptance and communion.
Through her journey, Alice began to realize who she was and the destiny that came along with her memories and gifts. She just needed to believe and remember the wondrous signs brought by the riddles, characters and unseen energies. to fall back into herself and the imagination of endless creation that can help her along the way.
There is magic within and around us that is opening way for us to do the same. to believe, have faith, trust and imagine the possibilities that are beyond what we see with two eyes. But what we feel, sense, understand, and know without explanation. to decode them and align with our destinies. Each being on the planet has a beautiful plan/story that incorporates many characters and riddles that can align us with our destined paths.
Having faith, shining light, unlearning to understand and unpacking the process can possibly lead us deeper into the rabbit hole—if we believe
abundance, 2020
Lately, I’ve been exploring and experiencing the ways we view our lives in abundance rather than lack.
an abundance of peace
an abundance of love
an abundance of joy
an abundance of clarity
an abundance of creativity
an abundance of people
an abundance of resources
an abundance of connections
what if in reality—- we have everything we already need?
what if lack [fear]didn’t exist at all and we chose to see only love? like looking fear in the eyes and seeing it for what it is... not our perceptions of it; internally + collectively + globally
What if... instead of just creating lemons into lemonade and limes into limeade, we created more abundantly and in harmony? aligning with our true selves within and sharing that with others in the most honest ways.
What if we used this time for internal research? we never know what we may find along the way.
we are abundant souls with creativity connected directly with the divine. Lemons into lemonade is one of a million ways of creating... yes it can be abundant for self, but is it abundant for everyone?
for me, an abundant life feels full without needing anything extra [its free] and is in contrast to feelings of lack and dissatisfaction. when we begin to internally be grateful for the ways we’re already abundant, this leaves no room for fear. we begin to see the abundance in LIFE, which ultimately means each other.
Do you know the power in that? The creations out of that? The love within that? honey, fear doesn’t come close.
- questions I ask when working within community. Am I choosing to see the glass half full or glass half empty?
1.5 locs, 2021
Wow, so it’s been 12 months and some coins since I started my loc journey. Time and change are the two things that are always constant. I remember waking up one good rising and thinking that it was time for a rebirth.
A new path after experiencing great deals of death, change and uncertainty. I thought that maybe some peace could also be found there. So in that moment I twisted my good ole hair and began this journey; without looking back with the heaviness of loss, but instead the love of grace and memory.
Since starting my loc journey, I have learned a great deal about myself, the world and how my piece of the puzzle can potentially fit in the larger scope of life.
The rootedness of beliefs, commitments, freedom, patience, family, rediscovery, and lineage can be important. Questions and answers can be formed there.
Like a labyrinth, the texture of the journey itself is consistent and woven together. It’s personal and public.
a new sense of self. an old life, 2021
revised 2023
A new chapter. Back to NY with new eyes
The blessing of a reflective moment happens when you listen closely to where your heart is leading you. That is the moment when we see the perfection of a divinely orchestrated plan.
As i reflect on my two years of living in China and the process it took to get back to the states, I sit in gratitude. The ups and downs, hurdles and lessons, connections and beautiful experiences is I process back to self. And it constantly leads me to my most inner sense of joy.
People thought I was crazy for wanting to come back to the states, but there is no place I would rather be right now. Moving back to the states, let alone New York and while in the middle of a pandemic was a challenge, but honey… I have love all around me.
People stay asking me “how” all of this happened so quickly? with my dream apartment and art position in a city my heart has called home many times.
I am quick to say it took work, faith, intentional dreaming, talking to my ancestors, and trusting myself. God will move mountains in the most unlikeliest situations. I am testament of that.
I look back and smile because every day is a chance to reimagine life and challenge the rules i set for myself in order to make new ones that feels best.
I later realized I did return home, but home was never a city.
the sunflower, 2022
A love that is greater. A love that comes from the depths of the sea to bring a greater love of sun. The moon and sun must exist.
Sunflowers must also undergo the ebbs and flows of life and what that entails. Through the seasons, the sunflower discovers new ways of growing firmly in peace and with its abundance of seeds —- it grows through the seasons and shares honestly and with the brightest of sun rays.
The sunflower knows that the journey has many stages and with that, more growth and discovery is fertile to create. Through the stages, it continues to shine and flow in many forms that are healing.
The sunflower brings inner joy to all who understands the value of a simple life.
See your journey in the sunflower
You are the universe, 2022
The very things that set us free are the very things we are meant to do to help others set themselves free.
Read that again.
-the universe is inside of you
honest love, 2022
Through this journey, I’ve discovered the greatest love of all. One that reflects back to me my wholeness as I embody it.
One that is honest, unexpected, divinely special and filled with the sweetest taste of honey. The greatest love starts with self.
To give name to understand the power of our past and how that manifests itself into our present lives-- I’ve faced my demons and I’m conquering my pain with love, I’ve felt depression and I push the boundaries of self-mastery.
I continue to awaken to my own shadow. my own light. I am light and dark. I am whole and I transcend.
Change, 2022
I’ve been in a research space about the concept of change. What is change? How do we change? How does our personal + community world's change as the global world around us does? Why is it necessary — with knowing the action and understanding of why it’s being applied? Are we changing for the “better” and whatever that may mean for us. To know when things must change and to have the guts to change it naturally. And without procrastination, judgment, shame, blame or the need to rush without inner stability + guidance.
The rabbit and the tortoise.
A rich life vs a wealthy life
Intentional change with flow
The past, present and future
- Independent thinking
I also understand the space of knowing that things change naturally — life, death, rebirth. baby, child, teen, adult. Change is a part of life even when we may not want it to be so — individually + collectively. I also recognize the space of honoring when things should change and take the necessary action to do so because you know it’s best for you + others.
It’s gotta start with us making the decision before life makes it for us. Being an independent thinker and embodying being a good person vs looking like a good person is going against the grain & rules when they just don’t make sense, harms self + others, doesn’t fit anymore and at least needs some reworking.
I believe that change will happen regardless, but being intentional in that change and an active participant (your own superhero) can help things flow more naturally and help steer the wheel in the direction that’s needed.
We grow in transition.
We evolve in change.
We find grace.
Intergenerational bridging, 2022
Intergenerational bridging is past, present and future. In order to understand how we’ve gotten to this point in our lives, individually + collectively, we must continue to go back to the past in order to understand the present.
To get to the root and core of it — then learn, accept, release, grow, integrate, restructure, reimagine from it.
To release what no longer works while surrendering to what does and bringing those lessons with us into the future. In that fertile practice of learning and exchanging, we are each actively contributing to collective change as we apply action to history, experience, understanding and healing.
And in that, we are bridging gaps that create a brighter, interdependent, sustainable and equitable future.
My, 2017
2015-2016 reflection
Thinking about words.
Thinking about the feeling of words.
My identity, my body, my gender, my age, my posture
Let's think about what it means to change something, the change of, the change of MY ____ (fill in the blank).
Let's think about what it means to be wrong. Whether it's the idea that it's wrong to just be open with your identity or being guilty of something
The wrong
The wrong
The WRONG skin
MY skin
MY screams
No Rape
MY Words
He - She
"I was WRONG"
Let's go back to the meaning of wrong.
According to Merriam-Webster,
Wrong - noun| the state of being guilty
The state of BEING guilty.
Let's break this down.
"YOU- raped me." ... "I --did not know. I did not hear you"
"You did hear me." I said it clearly.
- who is wrong?
- the talk of " I won't do it again."
- a broken promise and again. it happens like a routine of shadows. fight & surrender.
The state of being guilty. believe you are worthy of such a pain. believe you are worthy to inflict such a pain of scratches, cries. stalking and fear.
two women. a relationship; a friendship.
History of words, history of rape. the voice that carries and whispers. history of the self-rejection. the history of empowered practices not taught. who am i? this has happened before. I remember the stories and memories of my childhood.
the history of me and you and our family patterns.
- Untold wisdom of power, Words, Voices & Emotions
History, 2018
written Adeboyin Teriba Slave Atlantic Architecture class
The sweet luxury of history
The preservation of history in such liberation
History is the counterpart of legacy of carrying through the embrace of history. the understanding of history. the remembering of tradition
- Even when it's time to redevelop
A culture builds from creativity despite poverty
The “Freetown” of Sierra Leone
The Emancipation that forms community
Liberation is what is found, 1792
Freed slaves settle in “Freetown”
History is complex and sometimes it hurts. Other times it precious
The spoken language of Krio/Creole, build under customs
The freed slave speaks the good language of folk
Sierra Leone, a place to understand what we call “community”
A place to interpret history. Freetown, a place to not only remove history but to consider modernization
Redevelopment is always important, but the connection made with history is what we
must always cherish and center.
realization, 2018
I thought about you for months. I even considered the possibility of an us.
I remember when I imagined the sweet plums on your face when you smiled, the aloe structures of your hair and the way your eyes expressed untold emotions you wouldn't dare share.
the way your words told stories with passion that only those with imagination could comprehend. Those sweet sounds of thought and truth had me hooked. a muse
And when I finally decided to pick up the canvas -- my hands trembled.
I asked myself, "am I cold" or "am I nervous?"
Or could it be that...
I realized that I couldn't remember the structure of your face anymore and the sweet honey scent on skin. I think I lost sight of you. of the emotions, of the memories, the friendship and of us.
a door closing​
It was like my brain and my heart finally caught up to each other and shared the same language. You were being erased from my memories into the deepest areas of forgetfulness. The thought of you isn't accessible anymore. it's like I'm hiking into depths of my mind -- hoping to find someone maybe I never really knew.
To Be, 2018
I wanted to be a dancer
I wanted to be an artist
I wanted to be a singer
I actually wanted to be a scientist because I love connecting the dots of theory,
I wanted to be a doctor because I've seen the power in healing... but that's also too many years of traditional schooling that moves towards feelings of numbness that doesn't feel so alive.
I wanted to be a Community Organizer because there is power in gathering us as folks to heal, change and make a difference
I wanted to be an Engineer because I loved physics and chemicals in high school, even though i hated the periodic table and,
knowing statistics wasn't it for me.
But the thing is, I never really questioned why I wanted to be these things....
All I knew was that creative arts were the path my soul was calling with surety if nothing else. and very young.
but I also wanted to be everything besides nothing. I wanted to finally know what it felt like to be something, because most of my life folks said I wasn’t go be. I wanted to be everything besides nothing.
I was lost. and for a long time.
I didn’t understand my sense of self that was beyond the harsh words of brokenness from other lost souls trickled deep into my bones, into my subconscious, into my everything besides nothingness.
So, I did the same to others, hoping to be everything I noticed "to be true". yet I wanted to be none of these things. Now.... I crave feelings.
What does it mean to feel?
To unlock the mental chains of this matrix. I am a spirit in a human vessel who wants to be free. to feel free.
To be free is the only “be” I accept that I am.
a soul who loves to sing, who loves to dance, who loves traveling into unknown spaces, who loves to learn, who sees beauty in everything, who love theory, who loves mixing chemicals to create other reactions, and who loves to grow.
I am a soul who loves learning herbal forms of healing myself .... through roots, meditation. and ancestry. I am a soul who loves community empowerment throughout the entire spectrum. I love bringing people together to understand each other and themselves -- to heal and dissect every wound of oppressive slurs that were exchanged within and beyond self.
I no longer desire to be anything or anyone I am just a soul who wants to be free and to help others understand that for themselves. That is who I am, a nobody who cares. I am finally fucking free and honestly; it didn’t cost a thing to truly live without fear besides my ego.
Thank you, Ancestor Nina Simone.
The b(E) word, 2018
The fucking b(E) word.
Most of my life, in their own way folks told me I wasn’t going to be shit. Looking back, I think they were right. I’m not shit.
And honestly, I don’t want to be shit. I don’t have to be shit to make a difference, I don’t have to be shit to care.
I can scream from the top of my lungs in silence... yet affirm the most present person in a room. But then I ask myself, will I still be heard?
I also answer that question....
I will.
Looking back -- not being shit is what helped me to continue to understand myself.
To unlock the chains of expectations, remove the scars of conformity and I found that not being shit is what I most desired
it allows my ego to simmer into silence. it allows my conscious to move to the passenger seat and take a break for a while. but please don’t forget to buckle your seat for the ride.
It gives my subconscious the driver seat to feel the motions of my heart's intuition. When I truly began to tackle what it meant to be shit.... I felt unhappy and alone. I was striving for something that didn’t exist to please others. Why MUST I be shit to make a difference?
Can I just sit in Nothingness? silence. can I just give, serve, heal and grow in everything.
Why must I be SHIT to exchange in love? I thank those who mirrored my inner demons. They were simply a reflection of something I never desired for myself in the first place. As I sit here -- losing the urge to contemplate on words and spells... words-spells.
I am realizing my spells are just as fucking “magical” and they do manifest. the harsh words of spells, I mean spell-words, I mean words and spellings created a backwards way of thinking that caused me to believe in the untrue. to take back power of self-belief and to manifest my own reality.
My inner truth will no longer accept the spells of my oppressors that whipped away my black girl queer joy that desired freedom. I realized that I am nothing but that I am also everything. I guess I am nothing, but I am the nothingness that doesn’t exist in this dimension. I know what it feels like to be poor and homeless. I know what pain feels like, just like I know the deep-rooted meaning of consent. I know the experiences of generational trauma like I heard the cries of my ancestors on brutal day.
I know the sweet sounds of laughter when the family gets together like I know the kids are playing on the playground, jumping, chalking and just trying to be free.
Those are real memories that I acknowledge because they allowed me to feel and remove the connotation of what it means
to “BE”. Be-FORE, BE-gan I BE-lieved
the lashes of my mirrors because I needed to strive for something outside of myself.
I am light. I am darkness. I am nothing. I am everything
But.... I’m no longer seeking to BE... because I already am. It’s within me. So, when I stopped contemplating on what it meant to be.
My headache vanished without doubt. i am nothing. By facing the reflections of myself... I am truly understanding the golden waters of inner realization. Look.... I’m not saying that folks can’t be whatever they want to be. But the only be I fight for is to always be present. that is how I show up for my people and myself.... aware and unapologetic in my nothingness, because as a whole,
we are fucking everything
I am everything because each of you are. And it’s so much freedom in that.
-Thank you
Vulnerability, 2018
I want you to spend the night I want you to stay the morning. We can cook some breakfast and we can talk. I want you to continue into the day. I want to stay with you on this day. I want to spend 24 hours with you.
That is something we've never done
I want us to talk, to feel, to be in and out of one another. I want us to cry as we share the deepest darkest secrets that led us into this guarded shield, we call fear. For the first, middle and last time, I want to know you.
Who am I calling this term of bae... what makes you happy? What turns you on? What is your relationship with God? What makes you feel more like YOU in a world filled with IOUs?
I just want to know you and you know me. And after we uncover what has held us back all this time, can we sit in silence and feel each other's existence? And even if we spend the entire day in the presence of energy, and we finally decide to let this go or continue further. it will be okay.
One question, 2019
Question one: how I got involved? I am just one of the people who is sick of the social order, sick of the establishment, sick to my soul of it all.
To me, America’s society is nothing but a cancer, and it must be exposed before it can be cured. I am not the doctor to cure it. All I can do is expose the sickness and bring it to light.
Nina Simone's, what does freedom mean to me: I'll quote: I’ll tell you what freedom means to me. So free in my amazing community, we have so much power and it’s extremely heartwarming to see especially in the moments of resistance or in the moments of scared bond with each other. I think we live in fear, fear of the past and future. Instead of living now, mobilizing now, making the difference now.
Until we face fear head-on, things will remain the same. We can’t be afraid to fight back. Our current administration and these ridiculous systems that has pushed fear in our hearts are by other humans. humans who are just as clueless and fearful. and They are the ones making reckless decisions. I believe love is the only way we can change this world, for the killing to stop, for the pain to end. We need to finally face the past to move forward. They are human just like us, nothing more or less.
We give them the power because we were told that we don’t have it. when in actuality, we are powerful beyond any measure and honestly... that’s how I view it.
The relationship with self, 2019
A breath
A tear
A smile
A lie
Your truth Their truth The truth
Repeat. Release. Realization
An apology. I was yours and you were mine As I am reminded of self-improvement and self-love, we are the balance of one
-the relationship with myself
Empowered 2019
When a person cries or becomes vulnerable in their truth, it’s often depicted as “continued hurt, lack of self, lack of strength.
When I cry in front of someone, I move through the strength of knowing myself. I cry publicly because I am happy within myself and love my wholeness. I grew up with no tears or true affection. This world has taught us that vulnerability is weakness.... but my compassion for others' lives through my vulnerability.
Silence was never my best friend. I can cry in front of a crowd and not care what a person thinks of me.
For most of my life, I was told to never show emotion, now I live through it, because that “power” is used to help others to realize it’s okay to be just who you are.... in all spaces
So, when I share my story confidently- know that I am unlocking the HAPPINESS within myself. I am understanding myself enough to know that it is helping me and may even help someone else.
I encourage all of YOUR LIGHT through encouraging my own.
Remembering it all starts with self
Connection, 2020
- backpacking southeast Asia
Experience and travel.
not for others, but for self in relation to others.
We gain a greater perspective of the world in its wholeness in that form of actualization. when
we shift towards our soul desires
we understand more about self
our purpose and how that connects to those around us
Share your beautiful soul and truth with the world
we’ve never met someone quite amazing as you are
my sweet love, 2020
covid and the passing of my loved ones
I felt something was happening today.
My newly ancestor papa Joe and months before your 80th birthday. we were planning something big, but sometimes plans don’t always follow through when God says it time. I’m honoring that this decision was made way before you arrived on this planet, so I hold so very dear to faith in that, even though it’s hard.
It’s been a tough week seeing you in pain and I’m so proud of you for fighting because that matters so much. You are and will always be the smoothest Charleston + Zulu cat I know (my teddy bear). I will always remember the times we played catch (which is why I’m great at catching a ball now), dancing together to Joe and Luther Vandross and road trips to South Carolina for good ole family reunions. You have the biggest heart and often misunderstood, which i also get from you. And even through pain, you found joy. your smile and laughter flows beyond many portals.
Your prayers have carried me even during my biggest mistakes. I’ve learned so much from you. because of you and grandma, I now have a greater value for marriage, family, and legacy. 55 years of a beautiful growing union. My favorite recent moments are the constant years of going home for Mardi Gras just to spend time with y’all and see everyone in their Zulu ball gowns and suits ready to dance night away. Your moves [are] exceptional even at 79.
Last week, I’m grateful to have gotten the chance to see and say I love you even with living across the world. I’ve witnessed more physical death in one lifetime and now I understand it, so you being at peace is what matters most.
I smile at who you are and who you will always be. You’ve given so much to others effortlessly and that’s magic. You are my wildest dreams and I celebrate you. I’m second-lining through all the sorrow at 3am in China. It sucks to know that you were physically alone through this. But Be free and “Gray Goodness” to you. My backbone. You guided be back painting and I happy your portrait is what brought be back, something you've asked for years.
Your favorite scripture: “the lord is my Shepard; I have everything I need.” Don’t take anything or anyone for granted y’all.
reflections of GOD, 2020
In each lifetime, we will meet many souls who exhibit LOVE that manifest in numerous ways. and each of them will remind and reflect to us God’s love in some form.
Whether it’s to release our egotic lens of love that is based in falsehood or in its purest form; unconditional. and as we continue to venture, we should always remember that the love and relationship with ourselves is the biggest reflection of God’s love.
Treat yourself as source treats you with all of your treasurable imperfections. In doing so we welcome the best and truest versions of ourselves; within and through others to create more love, wisely.
God's love (or who you believe in) is your love and that love is always around as well as through you. Embrace it by embracing you.
You are living proof of God’s wonders.
When we begin to love ourselves, we surrender. We are guided to change and release what no longer serves us— not out of fear, but out of love, union, faith, connection and seeing beyond our current reality. We’re giving the best we can right now, so also be gentle with yourself.
Time is not linear, so just keep growing, being humble and learning to love divinely. Trust yourself.
braided lovers, 2021
Build roots, run free, create with passion, find ease, be bold and fluid, love profusely, speak honestly, see truth beyond illusion and rise in awareness. Then rest without worry.
connection, safety, support, care, respect, honesty, trust, growth
two or more journeys intertwined into one,
the hidden lesson of understanding all perspectives, behaviors, values, experiences and backgrounds that somehow — commonality and friendship is found along the way.
the ways of the universe and the souls that come into our life, either for a moment or a lifetime will change us. They remind us of who we are. And even as time passes and we walk different paths, we still thank them for tearing down what we thought we knew in order to rebuild what is actually true. Inner standing and integration can be found there.
Just keep swimming, 2021
My favorite quote from Finding Nemo, “just keep swimming.”
Let’s look at the movie Finding Nemo: Remember Marlin? He was a clownfish who was very fearful, cautious and protective. This was due to traumatic reasons of losing his wife and most of his children. He was so afraid of the unknown and what was beyond their reef that he projected that fear onto his curious and adventurous spirited son, Nemo.
But when all shit went left and Nemo was captured, Marlin had to take on his fear, heads blazing to save Nemo. Homie did the inevitable. He found faith, listened to his instincts (intuition), befriended some characters that were different than his norm (dory and a groovy turtle who showed him examples of friendship and flow) and defeated ALL ODDS to find his son. And y’all, at times those odds were looking hella thick, but he still didn’t give up. He played no games and learned a great deal about life, experiences, trust, freedom, facing fears, friendship, healing trauma, and going after something he loves!
All this to say... life is unexpected and sometimes shit can go sideways, but that doesn’t mean you should stop swimming. This is actually when you should keep going; make mistakes, heal trauma, build faith, learn trust, create connections and conquer your fears. Because what you truly love will always matter! And even when the odds are against you, you can literally defeat ALL of those odds! You are that powerful.
For a shawty, I got my tea on deck, seat belt buckled, and a smile knowing I can handle what’s to come. This year taught us that. Next year is a 5. Chile... meaning embrace change. So keep your faith, align with peace and always find yo center, even if you do get slapped by a wave because—honey you WON’T drown. You too divinely covered for that. Trust yourself, your guidance and just keep swimming.
Proud, 2021
Dear Self,
I am so very proud of the person you’re glowing into every moment of the day. A person who is honest and equal. loud and quiet. soft and rigid. gentle and snappy. imaginative and calculated.
You are a Black Queer independent androgynous mystic who is a prayer warrior. You are a human with many beautiful flaws. You are someone who explores themselves in every molecular link. You ask questions in order to understand another person's perspective. I love how you practice boundaries regularly, how you give and receive and how you find peace in that. I love that you listen and share with care. I love that you do this because you know that everyone needs some love in this world filled with cruelty. Whether the love is up close or from a far —- it’s an act of kindness.
You don’t always get life “right” and that’s dope. I love how you are now someone who unconditionally accepts how unapologetically dope and immeasurable you are and welcomes the peace that it brings you.
Please let yourself keep questioning, listening and allowing yourself to lead and be led…. because honey, you are a walking testimony. and sometimes it can be confusing and draining, but it’s honest and purposeful. God’s grace is found in that. I am thankful for you, Ma G.
Stay gentle with yourself, ya heard me.
A love letter to the person I was, is and will be.
an embrace, 2022
Self in abundance of one entity. - an embrace
what's your story, 2022
What’s your story?
Did you know — you know your story better than anyone else and as you continue to evolve, your story also evolves with you? Giving someone else the power to write, dictate and/or have the key to your story is a disservice to you, your innate power, inner peace, inner God, beinghood, how you choose to show up in the world, the ways your story is meant to inspire others and nurture generations that are here and come.
Who are you when the gadgets, clothes, expectations, jobs, titles and money no longer exist? When death occurs, this can not come with us, but they can be left behind for others to experience fruitfully along with how we made an impact. Which is why legacy work is so vital.
When you hit rock bottom, who are you? When you’re at the top, who are you? And will you choose to start again and/or continue to discover the most authentic you as possible no matter how many times you grace the ground with your presence?
If someone doesn’t know the real you, why do their opinions carry weight over your own. Do you know the real you? What value are they adding to your life and you to theirs?
Where you came from is a part of your story, in this life, past lives and other galaxies, just like where you are now and where you’re going is just as sacred to your path. You can choose to rewrite your story as often as you need until it fully feels like it’s coming, resonating and existing within and beyond you.
Where you can just be and exist freely in your most wild, bold, confident, soft, secure, restful, radical, efficient, clear, loving, giving, unapologetic and sincerest self. Never stop getting to know yourself and embodying your words, heart, ori(head) and actions. Tell your story simply like it is because who the fuck cares besides those who are not doing their own inner work; send love to those folks.
But don’t tell a story how you think others may want to hear it— you don’t have to paint a pretty picture of visuals and words for folks to feel you. Those who feel you will feel you, want to know you, collaborate with you and want the best for you without a mask.
You have the power to unlock the universe inside of you
legacy building, 2022
Legacy work is important in our journey towards personal + collective liberation.
One is not truly free until all is free. Did you know that you can free the world when you speak up and live in your truth daily? That inspires and frees the collective. My freedom is your freedom.
Continuing and/or starting the process to rebuild, nourish and “gift” behind what's needed is for the self + collective. It happens through the very fields and passions that tugs, pulls and expands our hearts and souls in the most liberated ways.
Where true liberation is love. And in that love — respect, trust, understanding and humanity is found. moving that love into an intentional and collaborative exchange center and incorporates self + community as a daily ritual. What I do for myself also is for the community. When we change a pattern and continue to accept our paths, whether we like it or not, we are inadvertently changing the narrative, collectively.
In this work, we need more maps, plans, archives and structures that merge the past, present and future generations; to learn from, evolve further and restructure based on their own circumstances.
We need more community souled authors, scientists, artists, poets, healing practitioners, activists, chefs, musicians, dancers, muralists, comedians, book makers, business owners, archivists, actors, documentors, community cultural centers, nontraditional education centers, co-ops, builders, blacksmiths, architects, bankers, financial gurus, sex educators, doulas, midwives, animal keepers, directors, farmers, educators, philanthropists, event planners, conjurors and all the roles that haven’t even been imagined of yet. Imagination is a spark that leads to a flame and burns to rebuild like a phoenix rising.
the blueprint is always laid out for us to continue. our ancestors
Sometimes we don’t like to hear it or may not fully understand it to the detail (myself included), but we all have a role that’s based within the realms of our own passions and interests. We don’t need every detail to understand the picture, that is where connection plays a magical role of connecting each of us as puzzle piece or spiders web— where everyone has a part to add, because whether it’s “good or bad” it’s guided us to massive awakenings to truly recognize the imbalance and choose to do something about it.
if we are already doing this work— expand. Expand beyond you— merge those practices with others through mutual effort + financial collaboration/trade to create something bigger, newer, community centered and different for everyone to experience. Imagine you (a magical being) intentionally giving — abundantly and within capacity while another magical being is doing the same.
Do you know what yall can manifest when y’all combine that magic? Something new. Something that isn’t what this world is used to. Something that we all need, but may not know we need. Something that inspires.
Collective liberation, 2022
Everyone has a role and place in the collective liberation and care of people.
Bridge the gap by continuing the practice of learning and accepting self — past, present, ancestral, generational and by accepting ALL OF YOU and your experiences.
The parts that scare you, that deserves a soul aligned life, that you hide from the world and that remind you that you are human and divine.
Then preserve that deep unconditional love and share it with others who are open to receiving it. Give yourself and others more mercy and grace without also being blind or naive to the acts of the world. Don’t let it harden your heart, but rather soften it and let it drive you to change.
When we continue to heal, accept and move affirmably in our path— we are essentially accepting ourselves and changing the narrative. Your healing and acceptance are also everyone else’s, whether we see that or not.
Bridging the gap feels like breaking free of the limitations of our mind and upbringings while allowing our spirit to move us into the most naturally aligned spaces.
Bridging the gap can look like mutual investments, unheard of collaborations and new educational methods that are not taught in schools. Learning is not just in classes.
Honor that you have the power to change the world by never stopping the act of learning who you are and how you play a vital piece in every heart you touch. Each of us are puzzle pieces.
new life as a beekeeper, 2022
We are equally as curious in learning about each other so we learn so much from each other. We get to learn how to show up honestly and manifest abundance collectively. The garden is filled with many new & interesting flowers and the honey tastes so floral and has the same taste as the honey I had as a kid (literally- it’s crazy sometimes). It’s a lovely manifestation of love.
It’s the everything for me. it’s getting to be playful, soft, protective, explorative and productive. I learn new ways of co-existing + creating. To truly see each other and not have any fear in each other’s vibration is a divine blessing. We are simply happy in each other’s presence which opens space for divine creation.
I knew I wanted a “pet” where I was not overly giving all the time and mad exhausted. Nor one where I couldn’t spend time + build trust and get work done. I know myself and knew I didn’t want to handle codependency with my nature of independence. And even though I grew up hyper independent, I’ve grown to really cherish real connection, real love, genuine acceptance, trust, non judgment + reciprocity. And knowing it’s a place for that kind of love. Even if it’s not easy bc it requires vulnerability, it’s worth it. So we choose to stay. A love that is neither codependent or hyper independent, but ebbs and flows like water.
So boom, spirit blessed me with this hive where we vibrationally match and don’t stop trying to understand each other. So communication can come as telepathy, dreams, attentiveness, ideas, cheek kisses, prioritizing time, ear whispers, silence, intense lovin emotion and laughter. We know when the other is not having a good day + when we are.
They teach me about relationships in such a satisfying way & it’s what I’ve been praying for. I get to see depths of God, them, myself, others and the kind of connection I would want with the life partner that’s meant for me. I learn more about authentic connections + with the work I’m meant -want to do. I teach them that not all humans are scary and careless. One was inside my sleeve the other day and did not sting me. They did not feel threatened and neither did I. When things are meant, you just know it.
I learned. time away, 2022
What I experienced for the first time while abroad:
- flying out of the country
- backpacked 3 countries and 10 cities in two and a half months
- started a loving business and became a certified life coach
- experienced the most uncomfortable quarantine and watched many of my family members transition to my dearest ancestors
- tried new and authentic foods and walked up, down and across the Great Wall of China
- taught English and Art integratively as well as 1st-High School English
- lived solo without roommates (haven’t had one since and can’t imagine it unless it’s a life partner)
- participated and curated an extraordinary solo-community exhibition through an amazing community art residency
- lectured a college workshop on Community + Public Art
- met some of the coolest folks from all walks of life
- experienced a slower lifestyle
- learned new forms of communication
- directed and produced a documentary about the community + local businesses in Chongqing
So many enlightening firsts. I will always recommend traveling, especially for folks of color. There are so many opportunities out there — no matter the experience level.
All of this came from responding to a teaching ad on Craigslist
God will use anything to send us messages, confirm our directions and thoughts, help us to move more by faith rather than sight and will bring experiences to guide us closer to ourselves.
I needed each experience to internally move back to myself and now align with a lifestyle that is simply more fitting for me.
When we allow ourselves to be consistent with our growth and not give up when it’s hard while also knowing when a season has closed, we allow space for our lives to change and grow with us.
education. my why, 2022
A time of remembering what matters most.
During those two years of teaching in China, I not only taught English to all the grade levels for the first time, but also learned so much.
Each experience taught me more patience, exploration, centering growth in all spaces and overcoming new forms of endurance. As someone with dyslexia, creating learnings that cater to all styles is important to me in educating folks in any way.
Young, I had to learn my own learning style(s) through many trials and errors when folks didn’t understand the range of learning abilities. When I did learn on my own— it became so much easier to learn and obtain information.
Everyone processes information abundantly. Exploring those ways can create an atmosphere that is fun, curious, accessible, growing and celebrates the process of learning.
In life, I had some amazing teachers who left an imprint & inspired me to give back in those ways. For my community + at large
Learning should be fun, not forced or based on grading systems that compare us
Our current system is comparative rather than supporting individual + collective growth. Starting young, we learn to compare ourselves and move through life comparing and changing ourselves to fit into systems that weren't meant to work for us.
I learned more integration. With a background in teaching Art and having to shift into English + Art on top of teaching abroad for the first time required a lot of flexibility.
I taught subject(s) to students from various & different school structures. And learned how easy it is to integrate subjects & translate them into a creative lens of learning. I have much gratitude for those memories and connections in working in so many forms of space.
My teaching pedagogy is as unconventional as I am & honors the kid in myself that needed teachers who inspired me to try. I am grateful for people and their curiosity- it’s pushes me beyond my own limitations that guides me to show up honestly for each other.
Let’s continue to build new practices of learning in + beyond the classroom
- the creator who also learns, teaches, coaches, curates, builds and nourishes.
the showcase that revived me 2022
People are resilient •
And experience life with many injustices that carry trauma. Trauma that we may not know we have, understand and/or know how to work through. So we work through them in the best ways we know until we are introduced to other forms that may resonate best for us and our communities.
Art is Resilience Art & Poetry Showcase
a beautiful manifestation. I am so proud of these kids and so inspired by their authenticity. We got deep these last few months and talked about ancestors, self-love, financial liberation, entrepreneurship, community, past, present and future and more…
This showcase also included space to co-teach with a poet and songwriter— in an educational space. Together we supported the students in unpacking emotions, power, storytelling and adjectives that describes us.
Art is therapy and can be a massive asset in the ways we process ourselves and life as well as build and even rediscover our hidden passions and power.
After them saying numerous times that they wasn’t going to share, they ended up sharing despite any fears, doubts and uncertain thoughts. They were so honest and and vulnerable in sharing who they are through many processes.
Organizing this showcase was a world wind, but it was absolutely worth it to witness them excited, happy, open and feeling seen/heard. These students are phenomenal and don’t receive the as many opportunities as others due to their circumstances.
for them to feel encouraged by teachers, family, staff and visiting educators who love them will always be the icing on the cake.
It’s been so long since I’ve taught in alternative schools, centers and shelters and I absolutely needed this. It felt like home.
art of life, 2022
What does art mean to us? What if we were art? The work. The creation. The process. and was also inspired by other art (people, places, animals, languages, nature and things) that can create physical foundations of art based on our own creative/artistic language?
It takes a curious thought to lead a creative spark that pushes us to create it and guides us to share it beyond ourselves. We make mistakes to learn. sometimes want to erase them, but should rather accept, understand and use them to construct something different from what we’ve learned.
Like our everyday surroundings, we make “wrong” turns, sublime inventions, and miraculous discoveries that bring greater revelation(s). We are colorful with many shades while also having shades of gray; we make things that carry those energies. We blend (integrate). We can also be captivating, chaotic, peaceful, misunderstood and understood. We can be private and public. We can be honest. We can be found in the smallest gesture, like a hug or smile (dance or photograph). In a forest, mountain, river or community cookout (mural). And in the structure of a braid, ball, chair, tower or monument (sculpture).
We see constructions of buildings and trees that come from ideas that lead to illustrations and mold into practical sustainable inventions. It’s the colors of cotton candy sunsets, brightness of the stars and moon, and the mystics of energetic auras.
What would you do if you were the Art, the artist, and the curator of your own life? Like your whole life—-one huge art piece that included and expanded beyond yourself. How would you use your own creative blueprint (passions) to create a more vibrant and sustainable world (mural) for all to not only witness, but also experience?
You may not want to sit down and learn how to draw or paint, but what do you love? And how can you be consistent with it while being open to new— all is attainable. your ideas and interests form into creative wonders for self + others to experience
Always be proud of yourself for trying
traveling, 2022
Traveling • It reminds me that I am a human experiencing other humans + lives. Humbly divine experiences
Places shown:
- Thailand
Pai, Chang Mai, Bangkok
- Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)
- San Juan, PR
-Lao (favorite!)
Vang Vieng
Luang Prabang
See the world. We learn so much about ourselves and others through traveling. We see and recognize some experiences that feels and reminds us of our own backyard. And some that are vastly different. We release fears of others and things that are unfamiliar. Through traveling, I see community in such an abundant way that is human and divine. I witnessed and still witness very different environmental, communal, traditional and economical experiences in each place I am guided towards. In that — I never forget to be grateful
i've accepted/ i've found.
i have my power back, 2022
Moving feels free.
As a SA experiencer, for years I had an on and off relationship with my physical loving body. Very young, I began bouncin, second linin and joinin dance teams. Being from New Orleans -I loved it. I also experienced sexual abuse young and a few times throughout my life.
Those experiences pushed me away from connecting with my body, imagination and personal safety. But it guided me to deepen my relationship with my spirit and God.
touch and go of disassociation.
Then God placed wonderful soft friends in my life and we taught each other care through hugs, kisses, forgiveness, nonjudgments, acceptance, open talks,check-ins, advocacy and accountability. That was my first time experiencing such soft embrace. I began honorin my emotions again. anger, compassion, healing, release, forgiveness, peace, safety and being able to share it came in waves for years.
After my last assault, I walked away from dance for good until I moved to NY in 2017. I started dancing at queer parties and rooftops. It felt liberating. I didn’t talk to folks, but “I found me” in the center of the dance floor. I started working with kids which helps me reparent my inner child and I made art I felt. All made me feel alive again.
Now as someone who actively lives in & celebrates my body, soul and spirit with a greater understanding of their vitality… I remember to embrace, speak up, welcome, sing, accept, make, enjoy, feel, explore, dance and love more. I forgive and release more naturally.
It’s important to move through our healing and take the time that we need without feeling rushed or hiding from it. not so ok things happen and we should have the space to process it fully. I learned and still learn to not let anything rob my joy, peace or guide me into fear of not speaking truthfully or saying no. To live in joy, love, abundance, beauty, security and groundedness.
Each of us experience not so ok things. Have grace — forgive, heal, laugh, love boldly, live in the now and understand the past. seek friendship. Good people around you can make a honest difference.
Stand in your power without harming others. honor your power and others without overpowering the other.
life, 2022
Like anyone, I’ve experienced my fair share of life’s hardships. I’ve also had a few majorly eye opening near death experiences and lived in some of my most divine dreams as a very real reality. I remain humble because so much is happening in the world. I make sure that everyday I simply try my best to live life with more intuitive risks, self-acceptance, collective understanding and divine grace.
I’ve heard some of the most foolish opinions, judgments and assumptions about myself created from the minds and tongues of deeply unhappy folk who looked like me and who didn’t.
We all experience this and its surprises folks when you don’t place yourself in the box they made for you and themselves. Misery loves company. Still be you even if it’s massive.
Be ok with being the galaxy of constellations rather than just that one star. You are all of the stars, planets and great beyonds.
The greatest gifts God and my spiritual team continues to show me is the love of reflection, revelation, vision, transmutation, foresight, action, compassion, integration, patience, radicalizing and the choice to welcome and release.
I try my best to challenge my own notions and to not judge because I don’t like being judged. I want folks + myself to feel safe when sharing of self. a person’s character and beliefs should matter more than what they do and don’t have.
As I live this spiritual human moment in this lifetime of being an unapologetically Black, non-binary, queer lovin artist from the hood, i celebrate who i am, my path, success, mistakes, imperfections, rooted locs, divine tattoos, hairy legs, hangin braless breasts, slang tongue and inner wordsmith.
do right by yourself and those who place trust in you — build and eat together. Not everybody go build the table with you, but will try to eat at the table with you. The “right” folks will hold space for you and that’s enough. Helps folks who accept and want it.
A diamond forms through pressure and bonds together. Shine like a diamond, be the ocean and the galaxy. pray that folks find their peace, be kind yet don’t let folks take you as no fool and keep moving with the divine tide. Never let it stop you .