Artist | Life Coach | Educator | Dancer | Creative Businessowner | Community Event Planner | Spiritual Practitioner

Bees of the indigo

Bees of the Indigo Garden
Many ingredients in our products are grown from the love of our garden and care for the land; it's homegrown. We believe in food security, equitable global sovereignty, ancestral connection, and creative healing practice that liberates the mind, body, and spirit. We believe in fostering learning environments that provide our clients, customers, partners, and the communities we work in with space to build together to unpack history, decolonize frameworks, encourage healthier practices, bridge generational understanding, celebrate our collective cultural differences and diversities, and embrace community empowerment perspectives through the practice of our sacred ancestral methods.
We believe every child and adult should have access to good living conditions, balanced health, food nutrition, financial stability, survival skills, self-healing arts, education, and nutrition. Through holistic education, we believe that knowledge brings greater awareness to economically equitable development that tangibly dismantles barriers and expands opportunities that reduce disparities and foster healthier lifestyles.
We believe in working as a team with organizations, creators, business owners, and traditional or alternative schools to build upon sustainable short-term or long-term project opportunities that meet the needs of the communities we work side-by-side with.
We believe in the process of building, planning, fundraising, and sustaining programs that prioritize community-based needs, such as employment, food security, creative entrepreneurship, mental health, spiritual alignment, and more. We strive to empower the communities we work with by working together to build innovative solutions to the challenges faced in our society.
My First Harvest
about 95 percent grown for the first time.
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I absolutely encourage growing your own food
A. It saves tons of money with MORE abundance. Restaurants these days are overpriced due to inflation and many times we don't know what's in our food. Especially for plant-based folks
B. A powerful route that combats our food scarcity, and food swamps and brings overall food security to everyone.
C. It reconnects us with our personal and collective sovereignty, sustainment, and nourishment and you simply know where your food is coming from.
D. It brings us back to our ancient practices that move through our blood and foster a deeper relationship with the earth + our ancestors.
E. Gives us a more in-depth awareness of transition (life, change, death, and beyond); metaphorically + the reality
F. Lastly, can be a form of meditative therapy similar to art making, reading, dancing, and simply learning something new that your heart is moving you towards that allows space for self-reflection and being in the present moment.
I had many challenges and successes this last season
Summer season (end of June to October)
- Spearmint
- Okra
- Plenty of flowers (marigolds & mum balls)
- Pumpkin (didn't flourish)
- Kale
- Pear Tomatoes
- Thyme
- Thai basil (chili scent)
- Italian oregano
- Bell peppers
- Lavender
- Two varieties of Sage
- Sacred white sage
- Lettuce
- Rosemary
- Long beans
- Red tomatoes
- Pumpkin
- Lemon thyme (smells AMAZING, but didn’t last due to over-sunlight)

Sweet Herbal Honey Apothecary