Artist | Life Coach | Educator | Dancer | Creative Businessowner | Community Event Planner | Spiritual Practitioner
when you learn, TEACH.
when you get, GIVE.
Ancestor Maya Angelou
I am teach becauseit gives me life. learning in a system that was not constructed for children in unsupported environments allows me to become creative in educating the children of today and tomorrow. Understanding that there is freedom in learning beauty in dreaming big, and nuruting their own comfortibility in creating.
Learning in that institutionalized and systematic educational system for almost 23 years has allowed me to unpack the differences between 'needing' to learn in order to survive and wanting to learn for personal growth. Kids deserve opportunities to learn and know that people believe in them because they are important. and magical. This leave space for them to choose how. As I am students of life. As I learn, i share- not to hold in the information for my own, but to share merely a perspective.. Thank you to the teachers who believed in me. Let's continue to share our wisdom with each other.

Very unexpected experiences.
While backpacking Southeast Asia, I volunteered at a local nonprofit in Bangkok, Thailand called Paper Rangers, an amazing organization founded by an extraordinary human. He uses old, donated and recycled materials to make notebooks for youth in rural communities Thailand. While volunteering there, he blessed me with an abundance of notebooks to carry along my travels to Laos and give to others while making connections between them and other organizations between countries.
When traveling to Laos unexpectedly due to COVID, I spent a month there -- learning the local culture. While there, I stumbled across a learning center in Vang Vieng where I not only donated those notebooks but taught the Elementary and High School seniors English and taught them simple ways to use existing resources to make journals for the students to make anytime, they may need a journal.
Laos and Myanmar are two of the lowest resource countries in Asia.
January - March 2020